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Us equestrians know that a nice browband can complete any look. Changing your browband is relatively easy, most bridles have detachable browbands so that you can quickly transition between casual to glam and back. To change the browband you will have to take apart the bridle and then put it back together. The only thing that limits you is the bridles leather color, you might want to pick a matching color of the browband so that it doesn’t look out of place. Other than that you can play around, there are plenty of browbands to pick from that vary in shapes and decorations. Here are some of the fanciest browbands on the market.
Collegiate ComFiTec Crystal Replacement Browband
This browband is a delicate finishing touch to your look. The browband is very slim and elegant looking. It is perfect if you want to sparkle on the competition ring but don’t want to go over the top. It is made out of a good quality leather in both black and brown color.
Caldene Shaped Browband
This browband is for the detail lovers. Not very flashy, but very pretty and cute. Made of leather and neoprene, fully breathable and comfortable for your horse. V-shape adds a nice twist to the look, making your horses face appear naturally longer. The decorative stones are very unlikely to fall out (as it tends to happen with other browbands) because they are placed within the leather. Will match any bridle: comes in both brown and black color.
Hy Encrusted Padded Browband
This browband brings casual style to the next level. It’s super elegant but at the same time quite humble and simple. If minimalism is your style, this is the browband you might want to have for competitions and events. The leather is soft and comfortable for your horse. Black rock crystals are densely embedded in the leather, making it sparkle when the light shines. Unfortunate information for “brown leather team”: this browband is only available in black. Maybe it’s time to get a new bridle too?
Cwell Equine New (V) Shaped sparky two tone pink/turquoise Crystal Browband
Two toned, v-shaped and pink/turquoise colored. Like what? Yes you read it right, this browband is the most original browband out there. The colors contrast with each other catching the eye of the audience. There is certainly a lot of sparkle to this one. V-shape is a great shape for horses with small or round faces, as it lengthens the head optically. The pink and turquoise colors are a great combo for lightly colored horses, like greys, whites, palominos or buckskins. This browband matches black bridles.
Cwell Equine Dressage Crystal Bling 5 Rows crystal Browband Pink crystal Rhinestones sparkly Black
This is the browband for all the lovers of pastel pink and rose gold out there. Five rows of crystals give it a LOT of glow. It is only suitable for black bridles.
Shires Blenheim Leather Polo Browband
This probably the nicest country chick style browband. The design is stitched onto the browband. The best thing about this browband is the variety of colors combinations it comes in. You can pick from:
- Purple/Dark Green and Yellow
- Pink/Natural and Navy
- Red and Navy
- Turquoise/Red/Orange and Blue
It is a perfect browband not only for polo players but also hacks or just an everyday riding on your yard. It is suitable for brown leather bridles.
Equipride Clincher Browband with Crystal Bling Bridles Dressage Gold
If you have been in the equestrian world for a while now, you probably know that most browbands come with silver or colorful touches. Nice browbands with golden crystals are hard to get. This browband is a perfect find for all of the lovers of golden colors. It is suitable for a brown bridle, and will give you plenty of sparkle.
What does a browband do?
A browband keeps the whole bridle in place and makes it sit stable when the horse is moving around. It also has a decorative purpose. Most open competitions allow any browband and what browband you wear depends on your own likes and preferences. Higher ranked competitions in all disciplines have their own rules so make sure browband you pick is not against them. Most of the outfit rules are very imprecise though and it is only required that your outfit is kept elegant.
How to pick a fitting browband?
Firstly try to match the browbands color to the color of your bridle. Then check what size your bridle is (PONY, COB or FULL) and also pick the same size for the browband. If your horse is sensitive around the face, pick a narrow and lightweight browband to avoid unnecessary stress.